Friday, February 23, 2007

It's Cold!

I haven't posted here for awhile. It has just been soooooooo cold! Mr. Tappe used to say that during the summer we are all out and about but during the winter we hibernate!

It has just been brutally cold for the past few days. The rain melted a lot of the snow and ice but we're now getting colder temperatures and stronger wind gusts. This area is known more its single family homes and a lot of them are older single family homes and unless there are tightly sealed I know that the residents (including me) are feeling the effects of those cold winds!

During the snow period a few of us on my block were shoveling snow, I see some of the men are braving these cold elements to do some outside house repairs and the kids/teenagers don't seem to be too much affected because they can be heard out and about. I actually saw one of the Temple art students wearing a pair of (long) shorts! Me, I had on my coat, gloves, hat and 2 scarfs!

I know that when the weather gets warmer we will all be out and about again! But until then its just too, too, cold!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

PA Friends Webring

I am the moderator of this webring and you can find out more about it by going to the ring's main page at:

The main requirement to join this webring is that your website have something to do with the Pennsylvania area. It doesn't matter what city or county you live in - as long as it is in PA.

You can also have a website that has something to do with PA as well.

Besides my LaMott Page there are a couple of other webring members.

So if you think that you would like to find out more about the webring, please click the link above.