Friday, June 03, 2011

Villanova Filming At The LaMott Community Garden

Please mark your calendars for tommorrow, Saturday, June 4, 2011 at noon to be at the LaMott Communtiy Garden to watch the filming by Villanova to help save the LaMott Community Garden.

A Villanova film crew will be at the LaMott Community Garden on Saturday, June 4, 2011 starting at around 10:30am.

The film is supposed to be about the plight of the LaMott Community garden and how the community is fighting to keep the garden going.

Participants are needed to speak about the community garden's plight to the filming crew and if you would like to participate, please show up at the LaMott Community garden on Saturday.

The garden is located on the 1800 block of Graham Lane in LaMott, PA.

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