I heard a few "snippets" of some very interesting information! One particular day the Cheltenham Bus was late. I later came to find out that the bus had broken down and another one was used in its place. This of course made the bus late when picking up people. I found out that some of the people complained! To make matters worse the driver wasn't familiar with the route. I say - SO WHAT! Instead of just cancelling the route after the bus broke down another bus was used to carry out the route which (in my honest opinion) was a very nice thing to do. Remember that senior citizen residents ride the bus for free and there was talk some time back about discontinuing the route altogether but fortunately a solution was had.
What makes this whole thing more irritating is that I myself was on that bus on the day in question. Of course after waiting for it for a while I thought that maybe I had missed it or that it was just running late. Just as I was about to go back home - here it came! I saw that it wasn't the regular driver and just figured that the regular driver had the day off or something. I found out that the bus had broke down and that the bus being used was a replacement one. The driver wasn't familiar with the route and the route itself involved many turns and round-a-bout ways.
This bus driver was very nice (and very nervous) but the people on the bus (me amongst them) weren't angry or complaining because we were just happy that the bus was there. During the route to pick up a couple of passengers their doorman had said that they had went back upstairs but the driver was nice enough to come back and get them. So the route was late but everybody got to where they wanted to go. There was one man that seemed a bit annoyed that the driver wasn't familiar with his stop but (to me) he seemed to take it in stride. So everyone got to where they wanted to go and I figured that that was the end of that. But the next time I boarded I had found out that someone had complained. I think that that is really a shame. We are lucky to have this sort of local transportation and it was a Godsend during the last Septa strike. And as much as this bus has been on time and accomodating - having one bad incident is not worth the fuss! Just think if we didn't even have this bus route! The driver(s) help the passengers with their groceries - both on and off the bus (something that Septa doesn't do) and they try to be accomodating as best as they can. We should be very grateful for this service!
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