Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A View From A Post Office

Actually what you are really seeing is a view from our local post office. That street that you see below is Penrose Avenue and if you are familiar with this view then you know that it is an uphill walk from there!

Actually it is quite a nice view except if you are afraid of heights!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It's Hot As Heck!

There is just nothing more to say! It is as hot as heck outside! The current temperature is 95 degrees!

Go thee and find an air conditioner!


While a lot of the houses in the area are older house a lot of them don't have central air (like mine). We rely on the kindness of the air conditioners that we have in our windows.

As a matter of fact while I was walking home the other day I heard an air conditioner in a neighbor's window and it sounded like it was winding down to its last legs. It sounded like metal was rumbling around in the air conditioner. In fact that air conditioner didn't sound too good at all. So I guess it's time for them to get a new air conditioner.

While there are lots of sales on air conditioners, I generally find that the Shoprite at the Cheltenham Mall have good deals on air conditioners. Sometimes you can get a good air conditioner there for under $100.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

I Noticed A Lot More Houses For Sale

As I went to the store Saturday I noticed that there were a lot more houses for sale. One house that previously had a "For Rent" sign on it now has a "For Sale" sign on it. There is one particular house on Cheltenham Avenue that was previously up for auction now has a "For Sale" sign on it as well. There is also another property for sale on Cheltenham Avenue.

I don't know the circumstances of why these houses were put up for sale. I do know that the area had and still has a lot of older residents but some of them have died off and I guess either their estate or their heirs want to sell the property.

As much as I love this area I hate seeing property being put up for sale. I'm sure that whoever put these houses up for sale had their reasons and they are probably very good reasons too. It's hard being able to stay in this area. The property taxes are high and we get 2 property tax bills a year. Someone told me that in Philadelphia there is only one property tax bill a year.